Letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Dear President Cyril Ramaphosa.
Hope you're well.
Ever since the removal of former President Thabo Mbeki by the former President Jacob Zuma aligned faction that included the fallen from ANC grace leaders such as EFF CIC Julius Malema as well as the former COSATU Secretary-General and now SAFTU Secretary-General Zwelinzima Vavi, our country has been exposed to a leadership vacuum.
You were punted as the most suitable person to fill this vacuum after the wholesale of our country to the Gupta family. The advent of the State Capture Commission of Inquiry brought with it the hope to many South Africans that justice would be served and that all those that were involved in handing our sovereignty to the Guptas would be prosecuted and probably sent to jail. But that has proven to be an exercise to lull the people into forgetting. The advent of Covid19 has intensified notion that nothing will come out of State Capture Inquiry.
Most of our citizenry didn't know what Stalingrad was until the media popularized the term regarding the former President Jacob Zuma tactics, according to the media and not himself, to have his day in court deferred or, preferably, forever dismissed.
 It seemed that, in hindsight, those that wanted to see Jacob Zuma in jail and in orange overalls never contended with the fact that he knew the country's secrets more than they did. Thus his recent readiness to forego the SCA judgement or ruling on whether he should stand trial on charges of corruption regarding the Arms Deal. Also, the fact that Jacob Zuma has an army of bodyguards may be indicative of the fact that he is a target for assassination because the attempt on his life was once carried out, that is what he himself confessed to.
It's my summation that Jacob Zuma has always had the interest of himself and the ANC at heart more than anything else and this is attested to by his previous utterances and the fact that during his tenure as ANC and South African President, most cadres loyal to him, including his family members benefited from his leadership much to the chagrin of white established businesses made popular by Bell Pottinger and the Guptas as White Monopoly Capital (WMC). There was a wide publicised push against the Jacob Zuma administration to a point where even white people joined in marches against Jacob Zuma. This was the first of its kind in the country. Now that alcohol and cigarettes are banned, there's no push against your administration.
It was only at the end of his Presidency that Jacob Zuma and his allies made the term Radical Economic Transformation (RET) popular in the hope that the ANC would elect a more RET friendly person, someone who would continue to sideline WMC businesses in favour of RET populists. The truth is that both the RET and WMC steals from the population but the RET is regarded as the lesser evil because it has a black man at the helm and benefits a few connected black individuals whereas WMC has a black man at the helm but benefits only a white cabal that excludes everyone including the white people. In actual sense, WMC is made up of a group of greedy old white men.
It's not a secret anymore that the RET has been dealt a death blow since the removal of Jacob some from Presidency before his term expired which is tantamount to what the late Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe declared as 'a soft coup.' It was interpreted as WMC's impatience with regaining control of the economy of the country.
The fact that many RET sympathisers are going hungry now and that their livelihood has been uprooted is evidenced by the stealing of food parcels aimed for distribution to the poor affected by the Covid19 Lockdown in the country. The video that went viral showing food parcels being offloaded at Mayor Vusi Mkhatshwa's house in Mpumalanga Proves that the RET brigade is starving. Things have reverted back to favour the WMC.
The question to ask is, who was able to offset the previous status quo established by Jacob Zuma and the Guptas and turn the tide in favour of WMC and defeat proponents of RET in their huge number? After all, the WMC doesn't even make up 0.05% of the population. Was the deployment of the SANDF a subliminal message to anyone who might dare to challenge the WMC stranglehold on the government to think twice before executing their fantasy? Is the deployment of the SANDF in the community a sign of things to come and not particularly anything to do with Covid19 Lockdown? What emboldened the British American Tobacco South Africa (BATSA) cartel to think that they could take on Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and win in court? Why is the ANC not speaking in one voice when it comes to the ban of cigarettes sales?
Mr. President, you were quick to dismiss the Gauteng Liquor Forum when they attempted to take on the government regarding the alcohol ban. I believe you even issued a statement to call them out but your statement in support of Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma looked like it was written by a Nyaope boy, please excuse the comparison here but the statement that was purported to come from your office was mediocre and worthy of dismissal as it had no official emblem nor your signature. Are you selling the people of this country in favour of established WMC businesses?
Just a reminder Mr. President, the people always have the power to overrun any exploitative government. The people of Sudan are a point in example. What the people need now is the assurance that the government is working for them and not against them.
Mr. President, you need to take the nation into your confidence and speak out against the 'sins' that are alcohol and cigarettes. Double-speak doesn't become you.



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