Manifesting money and abundant wealth.
Today I was going to speak about '#Madibaism and Heritage' but I changed my mind and thought "hold my beer," people can't eat Heritage. People want food and drinks and how can Heritage provide them with such commodities? You can't eat Heritage and thus, even if it defines who you are, it must take a backstage for now. Today I'm going to talk about money. Yes, you heard me right and did I just hear you gulp with greed? Nelson Mandela went to prison for 27 years and when he died, he left his family members more than R9 million in liquid cash and property in his Will. For most people, more importantly, South African government employees to amass just R1 million in pension fund they must have at least a 20 years service under their belt. The government is also one of the external locus of control that keeps people poor with meagre pensions and social grants that keep people dependent. What will a 60 year old do with R1 million? Petrol price is rising alm...